How to Live on 24 Hours a Day‍

March 3, 2025

Younger me, 20-26

The way to live life is to make optimal use of my time. To use my time efficiently, I must learn time management skills.

I must become productive.

I must plan my days, weeks, months, quarters, years - and even 3-year, 5-year, and 10-year plans - so that I move efficiently towards my long-term goals.

I must review my weeks to ensure I did my best and determine whether I can change anything to be more productive next week.

I must schedule my day meticulously. Task A has exactly 45 minutes because Task B might take 2 hours, while Tasks C, D, and E are grouped together to be completed one by one after lunchtime.

To-do list max.

When I fail to adhere to my perfectly logical structure for my days, weeks, months - my very existence - I must berate myself for being a failure, for not being good enough, for not working hard enough.

If only I had planned better, tried harder, been smarter.

If only there were clones of me, 1 or perhaps 10, who I could assign tasks to in parallel and then absorb all the knowledge at the end of each day into my one true self.

Time is the only currency I own.

If only I had more than 24 hours a day.

Older me, 27-31

Time is finite. I can't do everything, but I can do a few things well.

I get new ideas daily. This is interesting, that is exciting, I should read that, I should watch that, I should try this new thing.

But I have learned that I must choose what I want to do most, even though that is a difficult choice to make.

Some days are about flow state, where my creativity can be unleashed. I might yield 1 hour of productive output from this flow state, or on some days I might get 4 hours.

I don’t get to decide in advance. But I must accept whichever I get as the blessing of the day.

Some days are about admin work - the checklist of things that don't tickle my creative mind, but nonetheless need to be done.

I don't maintain a to-do list anymore.

Priorities are simple. What’s most important right now? If it’s not obvious and top of mind already, then it’s not a priority. So forget about it.

What’s a deadline but a made-up, arbitrary timestamp? I do things at a pace I’m proud of.

If I’m slacking, instead of mentally whipping myself into productivity, I ask myself “what unpleasant feeling am I avoiding by slacking?”

If my work is done today, well, then the deadline is met.

If something unexpected comes up in life and I’m unable to do the things I planned, I try to simply appreciate that I get to experience this moment - this event, this friendship, or some other serendipitious encounter.

I fully accept that this here and now is the only moment that has ever existed and will ever exist.

There are times I feel irritated if something interrupts my flow state or prevents me from finishing what I was working on. I'm human, after all. But almost every time, I wouldn’t trade the serendipity or moment for the task getting done.

Time is the only currency I own.

I have 24 hours a day. And the greatest wealth I have is learning to be present within it.

Inspired by the book Four Thousand Weeks, by Oliver Burkeman.

By the way, I teach a course called Learn Programmatic SEO to help grow Google search traffic.

Programmatic SEO is a methodical and data-driven approach to finding keywords, understanding user intent and creating dozens or hundreds of pages of content.

Learn how to apply this framework to your business, whether it's ecommerce, SaaS, or even a side project. No prior SEO knowledge required.

Learn more about the course
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